HOW TO free, warm and un-hamper the spine - Tao Chi Kai
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Many people ask how they can massage them selves. The honest answer is holistically, the best way to become balanced and at ease within your own being is to allow it to freely and honestly express itself. This along with the practice of mindful meditation will reveal to you and nurture within your self the will power to change your current lifestyle to move away from your current state of unease, unrest and dis-array. That is a the honest and most straight to the point answer. You can not only just rely on a pill, or another to do all the necessary work for you. You must help your self. Your self meaning your body, your temple of flesh and blood. What you believe your self to be, from where you perceive the idea of you is also the problem to the current solution.
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Tao Chi Kai 🙏