HOW TO Meditate - River Walk Meditation - Tao Chi Kai
All vehicles need regular maintenance for optimal operation.
Your body is no different.
All software need regular de-fragmentation for optimal operation.
Your mind is no different.
To be practiced before and/or after Lotus Meditation towards River Meditation or visa versa.
Eventually one will be in constant meditation. #ridingthewaveoflove
The movement is not honest if there is no internal connection.
One must move with the knowledge that everything is connected.
Move as one being.
At first it may seem difficult but in time, with self-discipline, devotion and diligent practice, all things are recognised and realised as from and back to One.
Om ne du fu a om
I am very open about what my vision is. I need help getting there. I am embarking on a journey that will eventually lead to a happier and healthier life for all people. It is my mission to educate and highlight the importance of an holistic approach to well being and stress relief to counter the effects of modern day living. I am a passionate spokesman for the awareness of mental health and dedicated to share my knowledge and personal experiences to help our family and community in a positive and synergistic way.
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May this video greet you with sincerity and acknowledgement where ever you may be,
With love, straight from the source,
The Avatar known as,
Tao Chi Kai
Om ne du fu a om 🙏
HOW TO Meditate - River Walk Meditation - Tao Chi Kai